FiDA obligations

FiDA obligations include, among others, the mandatory regulations for organizing data access:
1) Art. 4: Obligation to make available data to the customer
Upon request from a customer submitted by electronic means, the data holder shall make customer data available to the customer promptly and free of charge via an online or mobile customer interface in an easily readable format and, where relevant and technically feasible, continuously and in real time.

2) Art. 5: Obligations on a data holder to make customer data available to a data user
The Data Holder shall, upon an explicit electronically submitted request from a Customer, make the Customer Data available to a Data User acting on behalf of the Customer only for the purposes related to the specific service for which the Customer has expressly consented to the use of his/her data. The customer data will be made available to the data user promptly and, where relevant and technically feasible, continuously and in real time.

3) Art. 8: Dashboards of access permissions to financial data
A Data Holder provides the Customer with an easily accessible permissions dashboard to monitor and manage the permissions a Customer has granted to Data Users.

4) Articles 9 and 10: System for the acccess to financial data (so-called FIDA system or FiDA scheme)
All affected data holders and data users must join at least one FiDA system/FiDA scheme that regulates access to customer data within 18 months of the regulation coming into force.
Any access to data must be carried out in accordance with the rules and modalities of a FIDA Scheme to which both the data user and the data holder belong.