Was ist Open Finance?

BiPRO e.V. (Industry Institute for Process Optimization) is a standardization body in the insurance industry that aims to simplify and standardize communication and data exchange between insurance companies and other financial industry players. BiPRO plays a crucial role in Open Finance / Open Insurance (including FiDA), as it serves as a common framework for interoperability between different systems and platforms.

BiPRO is FiDA-Ready!

Open data

The concept in general and the EU strategy “Open Data” is based on the fact that data sets from a wide range of industries are made available to authorized third parties for use and further use in a machine-readable, standardized form.

Open Finance

Open Finance

Open Finance is an emerging concept in the financial sector that is based on similar principles to Open Banking but goes beyond traditional banking services. It aims to open access to financial services and data to promote innovation, competition and transparency.

At its core, Open Finance is about giving consumers control over their own financial data and being able to share it securely and easily with other financial service providers. This allows consumers to benefit from a wider choice of financial products and services that are better tailored to their individual needs.

A central concept of Open Finance is the use of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) to enable the secure exchange of financial data between different providers. By using APIs, third parties can develop innovative financial services that build on existing data, such as personalized savings and investment platforms or financial planning tools.

Open Finance offers a variety of benefits for consumers, including:

1. More choice: Consumers can choose from a variety of financial products and services that are better tailored to their individual needs.

2. Better prices and conditions: Increased competition allows consumers to benefit from cheaper prices and better conditions.

3. Innovation: Financial disclosure promotes innovation and enables the development of new, customer-focused financial services and products.

4. Transparency and control: Consumers have control over their own financial data and can decide what information they want to share and with whom.

5. Improved financial planning: Access to comprehensive financial data enables consumers to better manage their finances and make informed decisions.

However, open finance also presents challenges, particularly in terms of data protection and security. It is important that strict privacy and security standards are maintained to maintain consumer trust and protect their sensitive financial data.

Overall, Open Finance has the potential to fundamentally transform the financial sector and provide consumers with an improved financial experience based on openness, innovation and choice.

Open Insurance

Open Insurance, which is part of Open Finance, is part of the Open Data strategy and is defined by EIOPA (European Insurance Authority) as “access to and sharing of consumer data related to insurance services between insurers, intermediaries or third parties to create applications and services”. The focus is on customer centricity, where services are viewed from the customer’s perspective, and customers (consumers and companies) decide whether and to what extent they make their data available to third parties (data users).


BiPRO is FIDA-Ready!

BiPRO focuses on process optimization, standardization and community. The BiPRO standards have created an industry-wide, generally recognized market standard that enables sustainable digitalization of the insurance industry.

Thanks to the large BiPRO community, Germany is becoming a pioneer of digital insurance communication in the EU, while other countries and initiatives essentially have to start from scratch when it comes to standardization.

The BiPRO data model and the specifications of the interfaces already largely cover the requirements of FiDA, including with regard to end customer processes and customer data. The industry-wide implementation of data transmission is well advanced for most members.

Member companies

K. Interfaces

M. transactions p.a.

Years of work

The BiPRO community consists of more than 300 member companies.

Together, the essential processes of the insurance industry were standardized.

BiPRO community drives digitalization of the industry.

The association has been supporting its community with know-how for almost 20 years.

Shape the future now

Free registration

Open Insurance Working Group

Personal Information:
Please provide information about yourself here.

Data protection*

Legal notice*

Confirmation of information*

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*Data protection
By registering, you expressly consent to the data collected being stored and processed by us. The data storage/processing takes place exclusively for the purpose of conducting the above-mentioned event. The storage and processing of any previous data collected in another context is not affected by this. The legal basis for the storage and processing of the data collected with the registration is Art. 6 Paragraph 1 Clause 1 Letters a), b), f) GDPR. Please also note the additional information on data protection.

*Legal notice
I agree that the name of my company may be mentioned as a permanent participant in the Open Insurance working group of BiPRO e.V. If you do not agree to this, please send a short message to fida@bipro.net.