Open Insurance with BiPRO

Open Insurance made easy! With an established BiPRO market standard that maps the processes and use cases.

The registered association BiPRO e.V. was founded in 2006 and is the leading standardization organization for the insurance industry in Germany and Austria.

Over the past 18 years, BiPRO e.V. has achieved significant digitalization successes with its now over 300 members, leading companies from all market groups and a market share of more than 85% in the insurance industry.

BiPRO e.V. has standardized process and data standards for all essential processes and use cases in the insurance industry: tariff setting, offer, application, policy, contract management, claims and performance, premium, commission and claim billing, broker mandate, data and document transmission, Authentication.

The standards describe both the technical semantics of the processes and data elements as well as the technical specification of the API interfaces.

The BiPRO community consists of more than 300 member companies.

The key processes in the insurance industry were standardized together.

This is how the BiPRO community drives the digitalization of the industry.

The association has been supporting its community with know-how for almost 20 years.

BiPRO and Open Insurance

January 2021

EIOPA Consultation „Open Insurance“

BiPRO founds Working Group Open Insurance

At the suggestion of the WG Open Insurance, BiPRO provides feedback to EIOPA:

  • With the BiPRO standards there is an established market standard in Germany
  • The BiPRO standard already supports many use cases for open insurance

June 2022

DG FISMA Consultation
„Open Finance Framework and Data Sharing in the Financial Sector“

Consultation contains many questions about standards, their use and their potential

At the suggestion of the WG Open Insurance, BiPRO provides feedback to DG FISMA

May 2023

EIOPA representative gives presentation at BiPRO Day 2023

Since June 2021

Regular discussions with EIOPA and EU Commission DG FISMA

Existing market standards for digital processes and data were unknown

Standardization by market stakeholders was unknown

October 2022

DG FISMA expert group publishes report on open finance

Standards are generally questioned because they inhibit innovation

Technical standards slow down technological progress

At the suggestion of the WG Open Insurance, BiPRO provides feedback to DG FISMA:

  • Standardization of processes and data is an important prerequisite for a functioning insurance market
  • Standardization of processes and data must take place at a professional and technical level
  • Standardization by market stakeholders
  • Open finance should be based on established national standards

June 2023

Draft of the EU regulation on “Financial Data Access”

Data access must be based on standards for technical interfaces

If available, established market standards should be used

BiPRO is FIDA-Ready!

At BiPRO the focus is on process optimization, standardization and community. The BiPRO-Standards are industry-wide recognized market standandards that enables sustainable digitalization of the insurance industry.

Thanks to the large BiPRO community, Germany is becoming a pioneer of digital insurance communication in the EU, while other countries and initiatives essentially have to start from scratch when it comes to establishing standards.

The BiPRO data model and the specifications of the interfaces already largely cover requirements of FIDA with regard to end customer processes and customer data. The industry-wide implementation of data transfer is well advanced for most members.

Member companies

K. Interfaces

m. Transactions p. a.

years of work

Shape the future now

Free registration

Open Insurance Working Group

Personal Information:
Please provide information about yourself here.

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*Data protection
By registering, you expressly consent to the data collected being stored and processed by us. The data storage/processing takes place exclusively for the purpose of conducting the above-mentioned event. The storage and processing of any previous data collected in another context is not affected by this. The legal basis for the storage and processing of the data collected with the registration is Art. 6 Paragraph 1 Clause 1 Letters a), b), f) GDPR. Please also note the additional information on data protection.

*Legal notice
I agree that the name of my company may be mentioned as a permanent participant in the Open Insurance working group of BiPRO e.V. If you do not agree to this, please send a short message to