BiPRO organizes the German FiDA-Scheme

Decision of the BiPRO Presidium
The BiPRO FiDA-Scheme is organized within BiPRO Service GmbH and uses the BiPRO standards as a common standard.
The management of BiPRO Service GmbH is instructed to further prepare the BiPRO FiDA-Scheme so that it can be implemented at short notice after the FiDA regulation comes into force.
BiPRO FiDA-Scheme at BiPRO Service GmbH
BiPRO Service GmbH as coordinator and organizer of the FIDA-Scheme
- Participants do not have to be BiPRO members.
- Scheme participants can use the standards required for FiDA free of charge.
- Balance of Governance – dedicated autonomous decision-making rights within the FiDA scheme based on EU regulation.
- Participants benefit from the support of BiPRO Service GmbH and bear the resulting costs (personnel, rooms, catering, IT, etc.).
- This business area is subject to supervision by BaFin / EIOPA.
BiPRO-FiDA scheme and BiPRO standardization